sacha inchi (Inca peanut) extract
Supplement containing Sacha Inchi fruit and naturally rich in omega 3, 6 and 9 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Presto disponibile
→ rich in Omega 3
Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for our organism and should be present in our diet, because they cannot be produced by our own bodies: they help fight inflammation and joint problems, and are an important structure for our brain and nervous system.
To achieve an adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids, a daily dose of rapeseed oil, walnut oil, flaxseed oil or olive oil should be consumed.
Our weekly menu should include around two meals based on fish, including small quantities of eggs, chia seeds, walnuts or seaweed.
This is not an easy diet to maintain, and that's without regard for dangerous heavy metals contamination in fish.
The advantage of dietary supplements is that they are monitored, representing as such a safe and pure source of omega-3.
Our VEG OMEGA 369 contains over 150 mg of Omega 3 for each gel tablet and are dosed in balanced amounts to safeguard the following benefits:
→ rich in Omega 6
→ important for the immune system and to maintain healthy levels of lipids in blood
They help maintain joint mobility; boost skin elasticity and youthfulness; help maintain hydration levels and women's wellness; together with omega 3 fatty acids, it helps women in their menstrual premenstrual cycles and menopause.
→ rich in Omega 9
Recommended for use for patients who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, depression or asthma.
Made exclusively from plants.
Ingredients: Omega 3 160 mg, Omega 6 130 mg. Omega 9 30 mg; coating: gelatin, water and glicerine; stabiliser: vitamin E.
of which Omega 3 → 50%